Congratulations to Peggy Trojan, for her poem honoring teachers. Growing up in Iowa City, Iowa, I had a mostly teachers who lived up to the standards in this poem, especially including: Miss Blessie (Mrs. Orlando, after she married), Miss Humphrey and Mrs. Moon at Longfellow School; Mrs. Heller at Iowa City Junior High; Mrs. Yearnd, Mr. White and Miss Winbigler at Iowa City High School. There were others, too. Right now, I can't remember the name of my Junior High speech teacher, but she was special, too.
My grandmother attested to the impact of teachers on her life by the fact that even when she was in her 70s she could name every teacher she had. Growing up in a small Kansas town when she did, she had the same teacher for multiple years; that gave each one more of an opportunity to impact her life. Still, I was impressed that she could name all of them.
Children with devoted teachers who love and respect their students and are excited about the subject matter they teach generally do well in school and learn a lot.
The Test
So, this is the last day.
I watch you,
anxious for the bell
that frees you into summer.
I wonder.
What will you,
in five, ten, twenty years
remember from this room?
That nouns are names
of persons and things?
That paragraphs need
topic sentences?
That Shakespeare dared
mix sadness and beauty
in one line?
I tried to teach you
more than this.
Something to help solve
the enigma of living.
Will anyone of you,
I wonder,
ever guess I gave
my heart,
and all I knew?
~ Peggy Trojan
The copyright on this poem is owned by Peggy Trojan. Do not copy without permission.
Watch for the new challenge for November.
© 2011 Wilda Morris.