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Paulus Constantijin La Farge, The Grote Markt (Market
Square) at The Hague, 1760
Compliments of The National Gallery of Art, London
My grandmother liked to purchase her groceries from Glassman’s,
a locally-owned grocery store in Iowa City. She shopped on Friday mornings,
before Mr. Glassman closed for the Sabbath. Mr. Glassman gave two kittens to my
sister and me, and if he had a lot of liver left on Friday, he would wrap some
up and give it to our grandmother for the Blackie and Tiger. Sometime I should
write a poem about the kindly grocer who served my family well.
As a child, I was excited when we received the new
catalogues from Sears and Montgomery Ward. My sister Dorinda and I played a
game in which we imagined we each had ten children (5 boys and 5 girls, each,
if I remember correctly). I have forgotten the names of all my imaginary
children except my triplet girls. I named them Katherine Marie, Katherine
Louise and Katherine Annette. Or was it Kathleen Marie, Kathleen Louise and
Kathleen Annette? That was a long time ago! I am certain, however that their
nicknames were Kit, Kathy and Kay. Dorinda and I sat for hours with those
catalogues, picking out clothes for our children, furniture for their bedrooms,
birthday or Christmas presents, etc. Catalogue shopping was quite popular in
those days.
You may shop at a street market, department store, pharmacy,
grocery store, dress shop, yard or garage sale, flee market, or on-line
merchant, or buy cookies from the girl scout or magazines school child next
door raising money for a school field trip. There are many ways to shop.
There are some famous poems that talk about shopping. Here
are links to two of them:
Allan Ginsburg, “A Supermarket in California,” https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/47660/a-supermarket-in-california.
Tony Hoagland, “At the Galleria Shopping Mall” https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poems/52645/at-the-galleria-shopping-mall.
Sellman has written a clever poem about shopping from Harriet Carter, one of
the companies that sends catalogues in the mail.
Harriet Carter,
Distinctive Gifts Since 1958
Carter, I’ve spent many happy hours looking through the colors of your
I’ve spent
hundreds of dollars on your distinctive gifts. You’ve sent me so much
The Pooch Polo Shirt (Rose, Medium) for
my dog, Winston.
The Plaid Slippers That Mop, which I
wear every morning in my kitchen.
Bathroom Cabinet Super-Organizer, which currently holds
Bathroom Tissue (three rolls), Dove Moisturizing Shampoo, towels,
clothes, and a Deluxe Beautiful Back Scrubber.™
you have
dispensed distinctive gifts since 1958: the Mighty Putty™ —
“Lets You Fix, Fill & Seal Virtually Anything”; the Pet Screen Door —
“Lets You Fix, Fill & Seal Virtually Anything”; the Pet Screen Door —
Your Pet In and Out Anytime”; the Toe “Stretchers” —
You Stronger Feet in Just Ten Days.”
Carter, because of you, I have “stacked, stored, and safely transported”
deviled eggs
“five inches to the waistband” of my best blue skirt
used “that
wasted space atop” the television
heard the
“faintest whisper with new clarity.”
Carter, Oh, Harriet Carter
Thank you
for the purification of the air in my house and for the automatic
of my plants and for keeping my food fresh for longer than scientists
will admit
possible and for supporting my sagging breasts and protecting
arthritic knees and for such technological wonders as the Automatic Birdbath,
Birdbath Protector, the Toothpaste Tube Squeezer, and the Three-Section
Plates, which come in sets of four, each plate a different color.
Carter, to you, I sing all praise and hosanna.
My house
is a monument to you. Nothing is ever thrown away or exiled
the hall closet.
Except for
the Vidalia Chop Wizard™ —“The Cook’s Best Friend.”
Which chopped boiled eggs, onions (both
Vidalia and other varieties),
carrots, sharp cheddar cheese, and
Which broke while I sliced pepperoni on
New Year’s Eve
Which I gently put in the trash on New
Year’s Day
Carter, please forgive my one transgression.
~ Jane Sellman
This poem was first published in
Arsenic Lobster Poetry Journal (2013), pp. 30-31. © Jane Sellman.
Jane Sellman is a Writing Consultant at University of Maryland School of Nursing. She is a freelance writer and editor as well as a part-time teacher..
The July Challenge:
The July Challenge is to submit a poem about shopping—online
shopping, shopping “downtown” or at the Farmer’s Market, taking the commuter
train from the suburbs to the big city to buy Christmas presents, stopping at
the trading post along the highway in the West, . . . . whatever your shopping
experience might be.
Your poem may be free verse or formal. If you use a form,
please identify the form when you submit your poem.
Title your poem unless it is a form that does not use
titles. Single-space and don’t use lines that are overly long (because the blog
format doesn’t accommodate long lines). Read previous poems on the blog to see
what line lengths can be accommodated.
You may submit a published poem if you retain copyright, but please include publication data. This
applies to poems published in books, journals, newspapers, or on the Internet.
The deadline is July 15. Poems submitted after the
deadline will not be considered. There is no charge to enter, so there are no
monetary rewards; however winners are published on this blog. Please don’t
stray too far from “family-friendly” language (some children read this blog).
No simultaneous submissions, please. You should know by the end of the month
whether or not your poem will be published on this blog. Decision of the judge
or judges is final.
The poet retains copyright on each poem. If a previously
unpublished poem wins and is published elsewhere later, please give credit to
this blog. I do not register copyright with the US copyright office, but by US
law, the copyright belongs to the writer unless the writer assigns it to
someone else.
How to Submit Your Poem:
Send one poem only to wildamorris[at]ameritech[dot]net (substitute the @ sign for “at” and a . for “dot”). Put “July Poetry Challenge Submission” in the subject line of your email. Include a brief bio that can be printed with your poem if you are a winner this month. Please put your name and bio under the poem in your email.
Send one poem only to wildamorris[at]ameritech[dot]net (substitute the @ sign for “at” and a . for “dot”). Put “July Poetry Challenge Submission” in the subject line of your email. Include a brief bio that can be printed with your poem if you are a winner this month. Please put your name and bio under the poem in your email.
Submission of a poem gives permission for the poem to be
posted on the blog if it is a winner, so be sure that you put your name
(exactly as you would like it to appear if you do win) at the end of the poem.
Poems may be pasted into an email or sent as an attachment
(no pdf files, please). Please do not
indent the poem or center it on the page. It helps if you submit the poem in the format used on the blog
(Title and poem left-justified; title in bold (not all in capital letters);
your name at the bottom of the poem). Also, please do not use multiple spaces
instead of commas in the middle of lines. I have no problem with poets using
that technique (I sometimes do it myself). However I have difficulty getting
the blog to accept and maintain extra spaces.
Poems shorter than 40 lines are generally preferred but
longer poems will be considered.
© Wilda Morris