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Father's Workshop - Photo supplied by Guy Thorvaldsan |
This month, I want to congratulate not only the winners, but also the judge, Christine Swanberg, who has just been chosen as the first Poet Laureate of Rockford, Illinois. And a shout out to Jocelyn Kuntz, too. She was just selected as the first Youth Poet Laureate of Rockford.
Swanberg reported that many of the poems submitted for the October challenge, with the theme of “tools,” were excellent. In addition to the three poems published here, she selected four honorable mentions, listed below in alphabetical order of the poets’ first names.
First place goes to Guy Thorvaldsen.
Blood wells
up like ruby oil
laps the rim
of a four inch gash
I’ve just
sliced deep into my right palm.
I use my
elbow to hit
the table
saw’s off-switch,
sink to the
clench the
rent closed
between thumb
and forefinger.
my father has told me,
you get cut, tell the doc it doesn't matter
what it looks
like. As long as it works."
I look: white
bone and sinew float
in a pond of
red– what we are
beneath the
the daily
veil of coffee, cigarettes and beer.
A lineage of
men with thick Norwegian tongues,
ropy muscles
not with
tattooed anchors or hearts,
but ghostly
pale etchings
that match
the shape of blades–
draw knifes, bow-saws.
Tonight, I’ll
call my father,
tell him the
story, listen to his,
adding up our
stitches as if we are tailors.
Then, I will
follow the old rules,
declare that
it’s nothing, really,
predict my
early return to work.
~ Guy Thorvaldsen
Judge Swanberg’s comments: “Poetry can accomplish many things simultaneously, and this poem exemplifies that. It is narrative, has original and crisp phrasing, and a poetic flow that leads seamlessly yet energetically to the final lines. It is also indicative of a “bigger picture” without being heavy-handed.”
Susan Barry-Schulz wrote the second place poem.
To the Colander on My 25th Wedding Anniversary
Tin bowl
full of holes,
a sharp edged
on each side,
a shower
gift; accepted back
when I believed
becoming a wife
would uncover
my latent cooking skills—
missing a
caved in and
punched out
in equal
a little
twenty-five years of running
cold water
over garden tomatoes
store-bought grapes,
kidney beans
and strawberries,
years of draining
hot potatoes
and Brussels sprouts,
heaps of thin spaghetti—
tin bowl,
still holding
its own
twenty-five years of practice—
keeping all
that is needed inside
and letting
the rest
~ Susan Barry-Schulz
“This poem shows intense focus on one item—a quirky one at that! It is confessional and a wee bit wistful. It ends on an image, which is also metaphorical, and leaves the reader resonating with what we pour through and what we keep.” according to Swanberg.
For third place, Swanberg selected a poem by Thom Brucie.
The Mathematics Of Enchantment
A 3 foot by 4 foot by 5 foot triangle
makes a right angle.
This knowledge allows the builder to carry
a straight line
along and away from an already existing point
in space and time.
The line, if extended, has two options –
if the universe is flat, like the earth,
the line will extend to the end of eternity;
if it is flexible, and self-contained,
like an Einsteinian glass ball
resting on the back of a turtle,
the line will continue in an ever-lasting 180 degree angle,
and eventually return to discover its beginning.
The elegance of mathematics,
its geometric subtlety
of right angles and straight lines,
can connect a room addition to a house
and a straight line to the universe.
The thunderous accuracy of mathematics
suggests that a house is more than angle and line,
more than mortar and brick,
more than foundation and roof.
If properly constructed,
a house is its own universe,
the beginning and end
of memories in the table top,
and growth charts on the wall;
of holding fast to grandma’s stew recipe,
and the crawling stage of granddaughter’s daughter;
of summers running out the back screen door,
and all things stored in three-dimensional boxes,
and stories,
and hearts.
~ Thom Brucie
Swanberg says, “The use of math as a tool is clever. The poem is interesting and very intelligent. The poem moves with just the right kind of energy to its excellent poetic ending lines.”
Winning poets retain copyright on their poems.
Honorable Mentions, with comments by the judge
Congratulations to these fine poets:
“How to Use a
Chisel” by Joe Cottonwood
The crisp
language and elliptical phrasing picks up on the chisel itself. The use of
imperative voice and first person narrative is clever and effective.
Machines” by John C. Mannone
The poem
shows an admirable density, complex language, and beautifully sculpted stanzas.
“Tools of the
Trade” by Margaret King
This poem
shines with interesting and complex language.
in Winter” by Tyson West
This poem
stands out not only for its adherence to classical allusion throughout the
poem, but also from the point of view.
Susan Barry-Schulz is a licensed physical therapist in New York. Her poetry has appeared in The Wild Word, SWWIM, Shooter Literary Magazine, Barrelhouse online, South Florida Poetry Journal, The New Verse News, and Panoply and elsewhere. She is a member of the Hudson Valley Writer's Center.
Thom Brucie has published two chapbooks
of poems: Moments Around The Campfire With A Vietnam Vet, named “the
best chapbook of 2010” (Irene Koronas, Ibbetson Street Press), and Apprentice
Lessons, poems which explore the dignity of labor. His work has appeared in
a variety of journals and publications, including: DEROS, San Joaquin
Review, Cappers, The Southwestern Review, Editions
Bibliotekos, Pacific Review, Dead Mule School of Southern Literature,
Wilderness House Literary Review and others.
“Mathematics of Enchantment” is from his chapbook, Apprentice Lessons.
Christine Swanberg has published 500/ 600 poems in anthologies such as Earth Blessings, Garden Blessings, Gratitude Prayers and Back to Joy; journals such as American Aesthetica, Spoon River Quarterly, RHINO, Louisville Review, River City Review, and hundreds of others. Recent books include Who Walks Among the Trees with Charity (Wind, 2005), The Alleluia Tree (Puddin’head Press, 2012) and Wild Fruition (Puddin’head Press, 2017). A community poet interviewed by Poets Market 2008, she has won many poetry awards and grants such as The Mayor’s Award for Community Impact, YWCA Award for the Arts, and Womanspirit Award. She is the first Poet Laureate of Rockford, Illinois. To view her most recent book, Wild Fruition go to https://www.puddinheadpress.net/catalog/wild-fruition-by-christine-swanberg/.
Guy Thorvaldsen's poetry has appeared in Alligator Juniper, Forge, Gulfstream, and Magma 69 (London). His first book of poetry, Going to Miss Myself When I’m Gone came out in October 2017 through Aldrich Press. Guy is a journeyman carpenter, taught writing at Madison College, and contributing poet/essayist for community radio.
© Wilda Morris