I’m seeking your vote as the Nanny of the Year.
Here’s why:
The youngest one, they said
can be a handful. Has tantrums,
doesn’t cooperate, she’s stubborn
as a donkey straining
against his owner’s rope.
That’s what they told me, going in.
At preschool she hangs her head down
to her chin, and refuses to speak.
Driving home, I ask about her day,
she drops her head lower.
Petrified, I stop talking.
Do you want a snack? I ask.
She shakes her head.
A response – real progress.
Do you want to play? A silent no.
She’s tough, I think,
but I’m tougher.
She mumbles something. I lean down.
I can’t hear you, I say.
I want to go downstairs – by myself.
Emphasis: By myself. She goes.
I consider my next move.
She jumps from the back of the couch
into the seat. Stop, please. I want to talk.
She sits down, and I sit in a child’s chair,
facing the little darling.
We’re going to be great friends, you know,
so why not start now?
I hide behind my hand,
peek through my fingers,
and hear a very small giggle.
I duck behind a pillow, and hear
more giggles, louder, more
and more giggles.
We watch a cartoon,
but not really—she’s jumping again.
Jump on me—I’ll catch you.
She looks at me, deciding if she can trust me.
I won’t drop you, I say. I promise.
She dives, and I catch her,
put her upright again. She giggles.
We do this over and over.
She’s beginning to like me, I think.
Third day, she comes back
for more jumps—ten and then
one more. This time, when I catch her,
she stays, squiggling into the curve of my arm.
We cuddle and watch the cartoon.
This is why I should win your vote – I’m Mary Poppins.
~ Eve Lomoro
Eve Lomoro retains copyright on this poem.
Judges for November were again Jim Lambert and Jacob Erin-Cilberto. The judges said their favorite part of the poem was the last line.
Jim lives lives with his wife of 47 years and two 28 year-old desert tortoises near Carbondale, IL. He is active in community theater. His poetry book Winds of Life was published in 2007. Jacob lives and teaches in Southern Illinois. He has been writing and publishing poetry since 1970. His 12th and most recent book, Used Lanterns is available from Water Forest Press, Stormville, NY. Jacob has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize in poetry 2006-2008 and again in 2010.
Thank you to the judges, and those who entered the September challenge. Congratulations to the winning poet.Stop by soon to see the December challenge
© 2012 Wilda Morris